
RKL Galaxy International School Logo

Our School Rules and Regulations

At RKL Galaxy International School, we take discipline and values seriously. We believe that a disciplined environment is essential for fostering a conducive learning atmosphere. Here are some of our key rules and regulations:

School Diary: Every student must carry their School Diary to school every day.

Punctuality: Students should report to school at least 10 minutes before the start of the school day.

Silent Transitions: Moving between classrooms should be done silently and in an orderly manner.

Grooming: All boys, except those of the Sikh community, should maintain well-groomed hair, regularly checked for compliance.

Corridor Etiquette: Forming groups or running in the school corridors is strictly forbidden.

Respect for Property: Students must take care of all school property, including desks, chairs, and walls. Any damage or graffiti will result in disciplinary action.

Prohibited Items: Sharp instruments or any articles that can cause harm are not allowed on school premises.

Books: Students should only bring textbooks and library books to school, with permission required for exceptions.

Attendance: Students should not leave school before their attendant/servant arrives and must report to the school office in case of delays.

Politeness and Respect: Students are expected to be polite, well-mannered, and uphold the school’s image and reputation.

Anti-Bullying: Bullying and the use of foul language are strictly prohibited and will be punished accordingly.

Festive Celebrations: Exploding crackers or splashing colors on school premises during festivals is strictly forbidden.

Attendance at Functions: Students are encouraged to attend school functions, with exceptions for serious medical reasons.

Stranger Awareness: Students should not provide information to strangers/visitors and direct them to the school office.

Academic Progress: The school reserves the right to terminate the schooling of students with unsatisfactory progress or conduct issues.

Uniform: Proper school uniform is mandatory for all functions and classes.

Parental Involvement: Parents are required to check and sign the School Diary daily, as well as exercise books when sent home.

Report Card Collection: Parents must collect their child’s progress report personally, or provide an authorization letter for a representative.

Uniform for Parent Visits: Children accompanying parents to school for any occasion, especially during PTMs, should also be in school uniform.



Rules for Examinations

Admission are given subject to fulfillment of admission criteria and availability of seats, without any reference to caste, creed, class, gender or political inclination.
Minimum Attendance: A minimum of 85% attendance is required to sit for any test or examination.
Punctuality: Latecomers will not receive extra time for exams.
Script Evaluation: Any errors or issues with answer scripts must be reported on the same day of distribution.
Conditional Promotion: No conditional promotions; students must meet the pass criteria for promotion.
Script Evaluation: Any errors or issues with answer scripts must be reported on the same day of distribution.
Fair Play: Use of unfair means is strictly prohibited, with severe consequences for those caught cheating.
Discipline in Exams: Strict discipline is expected in the examination hall.
Blank Answer Scripts: No blank answer scripts may leave the examination hall.
Absence Notification: Students not intending to sit for an exam must provide a written reason for their absence.
Blank Answer Scripts: No blank answer scripts may leave the examination hall.
Consequences: Violations of exam rules may lead to suspension and rustication for repeat offenders.
Blank Answer Scripts: No blank answer scripts may leave the examination hall.
Pre-Exam Attendance: Compulsory attendance for the week before exams, unless medically unfit.
Rules for Transfer Certificate Application
Application Form: Withdrawal applications must be submitted on the prescribed form, with academic session and class mentioned.
Consequences: Violations of exam rules may lead to suspension and rustication for repeat offenders.
Last Date: Parents should specify the last date of attendance and the reason for leaving in the application.
Notice Period: A one-month notice period is required for withdrawal, with relevant fees to be paid.
Security Deposit: The original first fee receipt is needed for the refund of the security deposit.